Stress And Oral Health
With the fall upon us, many of our patients are returning from their summer travels, summer homes, and a lighter schedule. The arrival and passing of labor day signifies the end of a time of relaxation and the return to the hustle and bustle that many of us are used to during the year. We are returning to longer work days, the school, and the start of many family activities. All of these can increase our stress levels. Unfortunately, high stress levels are not only unhealthy for our bodies, but can be unhealthy for our oral health as well.
Stress and How It Affects Your Mouth
During your routine hygiene examinations and cleanings we can determine many things about your lifestyle. We can tell if you eat too many sweets, if you have poor oral hygiene and we can determine if you are experiencing stress. Warning signs in the mouth that indicate high stress levels can include:
Worn or Broken Teeth
Many of our patients who have high stress levels have a habit of grinding and clenching their teeth. Most patients are surprised to learn this as it typically occurs while sleeping. Due to the repeated pressure of clenching and grinding the teeth, your molars can experience uneven wear as well as crack.
Sores in the Mouth
When stressed a common symptom is to bite the inside of your cheeks and chew on your lips. Causing this trauma in the mouth can lead to the development of canker sores. It can take some time for these sores to heal and they can be extremely uncomfortable.
Dry Mouth
Times of stress can raise your heart rate, causing your breathing rate to increase. This can lead to dry mouth which is a lack of saliva in the mouth. Over time, this can lead to cavities and decay.
If you notice that you are experiencing any issues with your mouth, please contact our office located on the Upper East Side as soon as possible. Dental issues that remain untreated can progress into something serious over time and can lead to extreme discomfort and costly repairs. We hope that you are staying healthy and relaxed and look forward to seeing you at your next appointment.
Your Friends at NYC Smile Spa