warning signs

Don’t Ignore These 4 Warning Signs

We are passionate about our patients having healthy teeth and mouths. You only have one set of teeth to last your lifetime, and not caring for your teeth and mouth properly can lead to serious issues with discomfort as well as the need for dental intervention. Thankfully, your teeth and mouth offer warning signs to indicate a problem may have developed. Read on to learn more about the warning signs you should be looking for between your oral hygiene appointments.

tooth sensitivity

Dealing With Sensitive Teeth? Learn What Your Mouth Is Telling You

Every season in NYC is fantastic in its own way. The cold weather is finally behind us, and summer is just around the corner. There is something truly relaxing and calming about sitting on a bench in Central Park during this time of year. Perhaps you would love to buy an ice cream from a local vendor to enjoy on a beautiful day in the park but know that you will not enjoy the sensation in your teeth. If you find yourself avoiding foods like ice cream that are extremely cold, you may be experiencing tooth sensitivity and have a problem with your oral health.