overcome your dental fears

Are You Afraid Of The Dentist? We Can Help!

It is not uncommon for people who are afraid of the dentist to avoid visiting for routine dental care and recommended treatments. Unfortunately, this will only lead to more serious and complex dental issues. We are passionate about helping our patients overcome their fears to get the dental care they need. Read on to learn more about how we can help you and your loved ones who may suffer from these anxious and fearful feelings.

don't let fear stop you

Reasons To Get Treatment Now

Did we recommend a dental treatment for you or a loved one during your last visit to the office, but you have yet to schedule your appointment? We know our patients lead busy lives and always encourage them to make their oral health a priority. Postponing a necessary treatment can cause serious complications with your oral health now and in the future. Read on to learn more.

your emotional state and your oral health

Does Your Emotional State Affect Your Oral Health?

You may be surprised to learn that your emotions and how you feel can affect the state of your oral health. If you are not feeling your best and have the blues, you may not feel like cleaning your teeth properly, eating the right foods, or even visiting medical professionals for regular appointments, such as oral hygiene examination appointments in our office. Over time, this behavior can lead to serious problems with your teeth and gums, such as dental decay and gum disease.

why we recommend professional teeth cleanings

Has It Been A While Since We’ve Seen You?

We are passionate about our patients visiting our office for routine oral hygiene examinations. Do you remember the last time you visited our office for an examination and cleaning? If it has been some time since your last visit, you may be due for an appointment. Since we are still so fresh into the new year, it is the perfect time for a visit. No matter how well you clean your teeth on your own throughout the year, routine dental exams are a must. Read on to learn about the importance of a professional teeth cleaning and examination.

dental phobia

What Is Dental Phobia?

At NYC Smile Spa, we specialize in treating patients who suffer from dental phobia, a serious, often paralyzing, fear of visiting the dentist. Many people who struggle with dental phobias stop visiting the dentist altogether and often end up developing serious issues with their oral health. Eventually, this can lead to problems with eating and living everyday life. Postponing routine dental care and necessary treatments can lead to more complex dental problems and the need for additional treatments. This is not ideal for someone who suffers from dental anxiety. It can become a vicious cycle.

sedation vs. behavioral dental fear

Behavioral Approach To Treating Dental Fears And Phobias Versus Sedation

At NYC Smile Spa, we are passionate about helping our patients overcome their fears and phobias about receiving dental care. We know that there are patients who have avoided receiving care for many years due to their feelings. To help patients get the care they need, many dentists in the US have been trained to deal with fearful and phobic patients by providing various forms of sedation. We have a different and unique approach that Dr. Krochak explains further. Click here to watch the short video where Dr. Krochak explains his belief in choosing a behavioral approach over sedation.

overcome your fear

We Can Help You Overcome Your Dental Fear And Anxiety

At NYC Smile Spa, we specialize in treating patients who have dental fear and anxiety. There are many people who have a fear of the dentist and receiving dental treatments. Unfortunately, postponing routine dental care and necessary treatments can lead to more complex dental problems and the need for additional treatments. This is not ideal for someone who suffers from dental anxiety. It can become a vicious cycle. Unlike other practices, we help patients overcome their fear and anxiety without sedation dentistry. Patients who use sedation dentistry will still have their same fears and will have to be sedated again the next time they need treatment.

dental anxiety

Do You Have Dental Anxiety?

We know that we have a number of patients who visit us due to our specialization — helping patients with dental fear or anxiety. We want to help you overcome your fears so that you are able to get the dental care you need. Delaying routine dental care and recommended treatments leads to more time in our office for care. We want to share some tips that may help you feel more relaxed before and during your visit. Continue reading to learn more.

importance of oral health

Your Oral Health Is Too Important To Put Off!

We know this time of year can be busy and difficult, especially if you have vacations planned or have another residence during the summer months. Did we recommend a preventative or restorative treatment during your last appointment and you have delayed scheduling your visit? It may also have slipped your mind to schedule your appointment once you left the office and returned to your daily life. No matter the reason, we encourage you to make your oral health a priority and schedule your treatment appointment today. Delaying and postponing a needed dental treatment can lead to serious oral health complications, the need for additional treatments, as well as added expenses. Read on to learn more.


Have You Been Putting Off Something Important?

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been some time since your last visit, we encourage you to schedule an appointment today. If you have been avoiding dental care, we invite you to come and speak with us about how we can help you overcome your feelings. Delaying routine examinations can lead to severe issues with your oral health and may require dental treatments that could have been avoided. Continue reading to learn more about routine dental care and how we can help with your nervous feelings.